About Us

Below is some information concerning who we are as a church, how we came to be and what our faith and beliefs are. You can quickly get to each card with the buttons below:

Statement of FaithWhat We Stand OnOur MissionOur MethodOutcome
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Statement of Faith

- We believe in the one, true God – Isa 46:9
- We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God – 2 Tim 3:16
- We believe that the bible is inerrant -
- We believe that our salvation is based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – Rom 3:24-26
- We believe that Jesus Christ left the Holy Spirit to guide and witness to us
- We believe in the triuness of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit
- We believe in the sacraments of baptism and communion
- We believe that believers must confess their faith to Jesus Christ, be regenerated in the Spirit and be a follower of Christ and live a life connected with Him
- We believe that Adam brought sin into the world, separated us from God and that salvation is the only rescue from sin
- We believe that the church is the body of Christ, gifted with grace from God, and all members serve their respected purpose in the body of Christ
- We believe that everything God created on earth is good. When it is contaminated it is by man’s choice to sin.

We know these things to be true because:

- We have been baptized by water and anointed with the Holy Spirit which give us the knowledge and the awareness of Christ
- We know He lives because He lives in us
- We know He lives because nature reveals Him in its very existence, wonders, and beauty
- We know He lives because the more we learn through science, technology, and art, the more it proves the truth of His word and existence. His truth still marches on.
- We know He lives because all the power and knowledge possessed by humanity has never been able to discredit but rather proves His position within the universe, wonders performed, omnipotence, or agape (love) for us.

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What We Stand On

We stand on 2 Timothy 3:16 which states:

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." (NLT).

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Our Mission

Our purpose is to learn the Bible holistically. We want to understand more about the Bible to have a more intimate relationship with Christ. The more we know about Him, the more we love and rely on Him. We want to provide an academic focus on learning the history, language, symbolism, and culture of the Bible's people and places.

Further, we want to study the types, styles, backgrounds, and profiles of the writers, for a better understanding of scripture. In the effort of being all things to all people in the spirit of Apostle Paul, we want to be aware of theologies and concepts to facilitate versatile communications with our contemporaries. By faith, we wait and patiently receive interpretation and methods of application through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, as members of the faith we want the lessons learned to fortify our ministries for the enhancement of God’s kingdom and to bring others to Christ through the process of salvation.

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Our Method

We were founded in 2018 and started as an online Bible Study group. We study the word with a holistic approach. We study the bible spiritually, theoretically, historically, culturally, and socially. To understand the inspired word, we must understand the parables and examples used. We believe the Bible is inerrant and are careful not to add or take away from the word. The Bible says that teachers will be judged more strictly (James 3:1). We pay attention to our mission. Everything we teach and preach about goes back to the cross. It is there that we received life everlasting. It is there that love first found me. Why? Because Jesus loves us. Our theme is love. It is the greatest gift, the fruit of the spirit, and a new commandment from Christ. He wants us to love one another as he loved us. Love kept Jesus on the cross and it saved us when we were lost.

We are excited about our new ministry and want to share it with the world, using technology, and knowledge to reach those who are lost. We can virtually reach the unreachable.

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Salvation and Readiness: Our training and messages are geared around preparing the participants for apostolic evangelism. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commissioned the Church to, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” We are just doing what Jesus told all of us to do.

We teach with apostolic leadership and outreach of loving kindness to all nations, with an evangelistic fire given to us by the Holy Spirit. It will never be quenched. It’s like fire shut up in our bones (Jeremiah 20:9). It cannot and will not be smothered.

We live each day with readiness because we live under the new covenant. Jesus will return and no one knows the hour or day. We must always be ready to serve and ready to go!